(About a 8 min read… the end isn’t what you might think…)
It was a beautiful August in Colorado… I tried to appreciate it… I loved the aspens and being in nature through the turning of the seasons… however, the stress of our battle with cancer had worn me down… it was hard to find joy in anything except for results…
I came to Colorado looking for answers… we were desperate… the doctors said that she should be dead by now… but i wouldn’t accept that… I believed there was more… but I didn’t know where to find it…
I was invited to a Healing Conference… I had been looking forward to this for weeks… I was so intrigued and desperate to learn everything I could about this new found “Supernatural Healing” Strategy… now, by this time I’d read countless hours of books, watched hundreds of videos and listened to so many audiobooks about this phenomenon… I was trying to persuade myself that it could be true… but I wasn’t yet convinced…
At the conference I signed up for a class about operating in supernatural gifts… I’d picked up pieces here and there from various charismatic denominations and world religions on this… so I thought… “what’s the worst that could happen?… either it’ll work… or It won’t…”
I found a seat off to the side about five rows back in the auditorium… I wanted to stay unseen… but, I also wanted to see this for myself… I was a great spectator… but not really believing enough to be willing to apply it… I hoped to see something happen… something amazing… proof that healing was real…
The speaker began to say “this isn’t a listening class… this is a doing class…” I felt my ears get hot and became very uncomfortable… however, I wanted to know this… I needed to know this… in fact, this opportunity was what I was specifically hoping for…
The speaker spoke about the power of the Holy Spirit being on the inside of those who believe in Jesus… and… that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us and gives life. I received the Holy Spirit… so… now, I wasn’t just intrigued… I was invested…
The time came for exercises… so, following the speakers directions, I turned around to see a man hunched over with a walker… he was a very heavy set man of about 6’ 3” and around 50 yrs old… he seemed to twitch whenever he moved… and looked like he was in a lot of pain… I thought… “ok… here we go…”
I started speaking in tongues… I didn’t know what to do or say… I centered myself and quieted myself like when I would do zen meditations… but this time I listened for the voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart, instead of emptying my mind… and spoke what I heard… I said “i believe there’s something wrong with your legs?… Could I pray for you?…”… he replied… “my legs really hurt… but m, the issue is my back…” I didn’t know if I was doing this “right”… but I replied with “hmm… well let’s heal your back then!”…
I placed my hands on his lower back right on top of a hideous squishy bulging disc in his lumbar section… it was about 8” in diameter and protruded approximately 3” off his back… I could feel it grind and pop while he would move and shift uncomfortably… I immediately thought is was cancer… 6 months prior, my wife had three vertebrae in her back that cancer had deteriorated and replaced with tumors… it felt like that… my heart went out to him…
I heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart “it isn’t cancer, it’s disc damage…” so, again, I started speaking in tongues… I didn’t know how to pray for something like that… and I’d recently read that the Holy Spirit speaks perfect prayers when we don’t know what to pray… then I said… with all of the anger I could muster up… and there was a lot in those days… “Back, line up with the Word of God in Jesus name!”…
The man’s back immediately started getting hot… my hand also was hot and wet with sweat… I continued to speak in tongues … and within seconds… I felt popping and cracking… the bulge became firm under my hand… I felt like It wasn’t listening… so louder and with more expecting and intention, I said loudly… “I said line up, in Jesus name!”… suddenly the hernia began to to rapidly shrink and return to it natural state…
The man stood up straight, stretched his back and yelled out a passionate and relieving scream…” aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh”
He took a second… he twisted back and forth… he reached down as far as he could and stood back up with his hands in the air… he hadn’t been able to stand up straight for the last 10 years… his life had been in chronic pain… but now had moved from from a pain scale from 10 down to 1… I was amazed… I thought to myself “I’m a healer! Now I can heal my wife!…”
I left the event early… I was so excited to release this power into my wife’s broken and sick body… I hurried home… ran inside and laid my hands on her… I said “body, be restored in Jesus name!…” nothing happened… she looked at me like I was crazy… I told her the story of how a man was healed by me just laying my hands and saying “in Jesus name”!! She wasn’t amused… I was very passionate… I tried again “IN JESUS NAME… BODY, BE RESTORED!!”… again nothing…
My wife looked at me and through physically restricted speech… she said “stop it, stop it, stop it! It doesn’t work!…”
I felt I bit crazy… and I’m sure that I looked the part as well… I said “we’ve tried EVERYTHING… we’ve spent all of our money… I’m willing to do anything I can… I just want you well…” she looked at me… her eyes had no spark in them… and she replied “stop being a wimp… I’m going to die and you’re not… grow up and let me die.” I said “I’m sorry… but, I can’t… I can’t let you die… I’ve seen it… with my own eyes… healing is real!… God is real!…”
Many people wonder why some receive healing and some don’t… I’m sure there are reasons… things we don’t know… I’m sure there are solutions that, in our searching for truth, we overlook…
What I do know is that we are the ones who make the supernatural seem impossible… when it’s really just the natural that’s amplified by the power of God… we see sickness as chronic… forever… we fear death and complain about life… when God is wanting just to give us life and life more abundantly…
I’ve learned a lot since that day, (it’s been seven years now…) but I remember it as clearly as yesterday…
Thanks for listening to my story… and my thoughts… I hope they inspire you to seek God for yourself… not through the eyes of other peoples understandings…