(Only a couple min read… but you’ll want to read it again, print it out and tape it to your bathroom mirror.)
Life can be so stressful… it gives us expectations that often turn to obligation… and stress… so, how do we overcome and stand when all odds are against us?
I run to the father for help… I don’t hide…
Metaphors are fun… but what does that really look like practically?
This is a practical look at what I do:
1. I ask God for help… literally… out loud… “Father… I need your help…” then I often have a verse come to mind like Psalm 91… “If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God, “I’ll get you out of any trouble. I’ll give you the best of care if you’ll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times; I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party. I’ll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!” Psalms 91:14-16 MSG
2. Then I speak in tongues, it’s what I do… and as I release my control to the Holy Spirit I begin to have a sound mind come over me… because the Spirit that is in me is a Spirit of Power, Love and a sound mind…
3. After things calm down and my overwhelmed heart settles… I begin to experience the peace that passes all understanding… and I can start to breathe…
4. Then I ask the Holy Spirit to show me the root of my worry, stress, unbelief, or whatever I’m faced with at the moment…
5. Next I’ll take some time to be still and listen… I quiet the already stilling storm of emotions inside with self control (a fruit of the spirit) and…. Listen… for that still small voice…
6. Then I hear… often a voice that sounds like mine… but it has this loving/ peaceful tone about it… this is where i connect with who God is and what He thinks about me and my situation… He never condemns… only encourages and corrects in the most loving way…
7. Next, He often points out the root… for example, today He told me… “You’re worrying… you’ve had so much loss, accusation, and hurt Michael, that when things start to become out of control… you can’t balance… trust my Word… I never lie… I always cause you to triumph!” … that was spot on for me… and who else would know exactly what I need other than my Creator…
8. Then I have a time of relationship… I thank God for being in my life… for helping me through hard things and encouraging me through self-inflicted struggles…
9. From there I could continue in the conversation, or play some music, or go back to work…
This isn’t a 9 Step Program…. It’s just a little insight into my heart… I spent 40 years not knowing God… it was hard for me to understand what people meant by “A relationship with Jesus.”… especially with a “silent” party… now that I’ve discovered it for myself, I just wanted to take a moment and possibly shed some non-religious light on what this looks like.